Mehul Lal z - K11 School of Fitness Sciences - Building Careers in Fitness
K11 School of Fitness Sciences


Dear K11 Certified Personal Trainer - Your valid K11 certification entitles you, via RPL for international standards, REP's Level-3, assessments by assessors of ETA College in the K11 premises. Exams will be held from 15th October onwards.


This Is Our First Time, Because You Come First We want you to be safe and still be able to study. That's why we built a virtual classroom so that you can build your career as a fitness professional. You can still chase your dreams and learn about fitness sciences with the help of our Attend Class from Home program. We are powering th
The terms exercise and training are two separate concepts but often used interchangeably, and that isn’t correct. Exercise has always been in the recommendations list of all the health and fitness professionals alike. Just a cursory look at any medical organization’s website would show you exercise recommendations ranging from a mere 75 mins
What Is the Specific Adaption to Imposed Demand principle? Fitness fundamentals are important to know as a fitness professional (aspiring fitness professionals too!): the Specific Adaption to Imposed Demand (SAID) principle asserts that the human body adapts to imposed demands. What does this mean? Let's understand with the help of an
The best way to get things done is to simply begin. Starting a fitness program can be rewarding yet challenging task. Perhaps the toughest thing is to get off the couch! If you have thought about starting, you have already made a beginning. Thought leads to action. Psychologists call this stage of change as the Contemplative Stage. Here are 3 wa
K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences is the first Internationally recognised academy by REPs India. K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences was audited by an International Accrediting Body, PD: Approval which is an auditing body assigned by the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPS). PD:Approval awarded a grade of “OU
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